I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Friday, 29 August 2014
The Design
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Creating A Logo
In our kidpreneur meeting we were talking and then came up with the name valid frames. We chose this name because V,A,LI and D are letters from each of our group names and frames is the product that we are creating. Our logo above was made up of our favorite patterns and colors. We decided to use patterns as the border and the colors for the outlines of the words. Doing this we created an awesome logo.
Friday, 22 August 2014
A Dog Ate My Homework.
It all started last Friday. Their I was stepping along confidently, clutching my homework in my hand. I have to say I was pleased with it. I’d spent hours finishing it the night before.
I was walking down to school until I heard a scary sound.....
I stopped in front of this fence and tilted my head. Their it was. It was really ugly. It was sunshine. His eyes were blue with little teeth. He looked harmless but inside he was adolf hitler. He didn’t like people walking past so I tried to creep past but I stepped in a twig. He saw me. Steam flew out of his nose and he broke out of his chain and smashed through the fence and kicked me on the road. I got really angry and out of nowhere a referee came.
So I stuffed the homework in my pocket. Me and the dog eyed each other out then the ref shouted “FIGHT”.Then the dogs arms went big and abs appeared on his stomach, his eyes turned red and his teeth went long. Punching each other for 1 minute his teeth sank into my butt. I lost He was going to end me until my homework fell out of my pocket.
He looked at my work. He put his butt out of my face and asked for the my work and he’ll let me go. I couldn’t but my life was better so I sacrificed my homework. As I walked away I heard ripping and scratching noises. As I sat down in my desk the teacher looked at me, then sniffed and knew that I didn’t have my homework.
Because she was in the navy she could tell if anything was wrong. I told her a dog ate my homework then I got 1 month detention.
Trouble At The Dairy
"Man , you wake me up at 3 so you could tell me to get you stupid ginger nuts. You're lucky they don't sell guns otherwise i'll use the money on that". "COME AGAIN SON". "nothing mum bye have a great day". so I went strolling down the street. As I reached the end of the street I saw a man behind a dump putting on some clothes almost looking like rubbish bags with white gloves. Thought it was Michael Jackson. I felt sorry for that poor man so I gave him the money for the ginger nuts. He looked at me and said "Oh Just getting ready for Halloween you know". It wasn't even close to Halloween but I just went with it.
So as I walked down into the dairy a rock came straight to face."Ah what was that for stupid Indian man". "Sorry just the security system. So I walked to where the ginger nuts were holding my eye and stood there surprised. There was no ginger nuts so just so I just bought taro because it was the only hard thing to wack my mum with. As I was just gonna step out...
"OY COME BACK AND PAY FOR THAT TARO OR I'LL CALL THE COPS". I walked back in and gave him the money. he looked at me and tried to whack me while saying it wasn't enough money. I dodged his soft hit and throw the taro straight to his face.He was sleeping so I decided to steal lots of things in the shop. As I was chucking lollies in my pockets I heard a body being pulled so I looked and it was the Michael Jackson guy dragging the Indian man in the toilet. I stood there laughing but it was too loud and the man heard. he dropped the body and walked my direction. I dashed to the taro section and got as much taro as I could.
I hid behind the crate of apples and when he came I threw it at him. He was about to pull out his gun out of a bag till one taro got him in the head. I called the cops and carried on throwing lollies in my pocket. When the cops arrived they took the man away. I walked out of the shop But as I was walking I saw the guys bag. I was going to leave it but I remember the guy pulling a gun out. I looked at the bag with a funny face knowing I could use it so I picked it up and walked back home. " SON DID YOU GET THE GINGER NUTS". I replied a "NO". She came stomping at me about to jab me in the face until I brought out the gun. She fainted and I went back to bed.
The Search
As the sun went down so was my eyes. The day of 11.9.1983 I was in an abandoned warehouse just near my mums house keeping my whereabouts secret. I was trying to find my dad. I could not sleep or they will find me.I had to keep moving but I had no energy and my mind was fading. Coffee couldn’t keep me awake and so my eyes went shut and I dropped in my bed.
I heard footsteps thumping outside “YOU GOT TEN SECONDS TO GIVE YOUR SELF UP OR WE ARE COMING IN.” I then woke up and looked through a crack in the wall and their they were standing behind trucks with snipers roaming the roofs of every building that could get a sight on me. But what caught my attention was that one of them had my mum cuffed and blindfolded. She probably told them my location. I was lost, worried I didn’t know what to do with the countdown pressuring me.5,4,3,2...
“WAIT.” I walked outside with my hands up. As I was walking my eye caught a person in the helicopter. I stood their looking at him saying to myself I knew him. Then it popped. He was a Russian general from WW1. I then looked down and saw my mum. I was running to her carelessly until a soldier smacked me in the face and I fell. My mum was chucked in a armored truck and I noticed a soldier smoking and his weapon belt with his bullet proof vest on the ground.
No soldiers around me they thought I was unconscious until I pounced for the weapons and armor on the ground shot the soldier smoking. Grabbing his weapon I shot everyone dead. The helicopter was then shooting me missing every shot. I grabbed my mum hotwired the nearest car and drove. The adrenaline coursing through my veins was too much and...
I woke up still in the warehouse. I noticed I was just sleeping. As the cops went past looking for me I continued my search for him.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
Club Kidprenuer.
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